UNCTAD/TrainForTrade Port Training delivery in Namibia

11 - 15 February 2013
Walvis Bay
, Namibia

​The Namibian Port Authority (NAMPORT), in collaboration with UNCTAD and University College Cork, will train 20 of its middle managers on Module 7 of UNCTAD’s TrainForTrade* Port Training Programme, “Administrative and Legal Management”. The module will be delivered by University College Cork, along side with senior port and law specialists from the local port community, many of whom were successfully trained by UNCTAD/TrainForTrade Port Training Programme's the Training of Trainers in Cork, Ireland, in June 2012. At the end of this module, participants will be able to describe and understand the general organisation and rational of the administrative function, as well as legal aspects for the management of the port. 

*The TrainForTrade Programme is part of the Human Resources Development Section/KSTCD of UNCTAD’s Division on Technology and Logistics.

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