UNCTAD/WTO Book Launch - Advanced Guide to Trade Policy Analysis: The Structural Gravity Model

15 November 2016
13:30 - 02:30 hrs. Centre William Rappard, Room E, World Trade Organization
, Switzerland

The World Trade Organization and the United Nations Conferenceon Trade and Development will launch the joint publication, "AdvancedGuide to Trade Policy Analysis: The Structural Gravity Model," on Tuesday,November 15 at 12:30. The event will take place at WTO's Centre WilliamRappard, Room E.

The second volume of the UNCTAD/WTO "Practical GuideTo Trade Policy Analysis" published in 2012, the book discussesthe quantification of trade flows and trade policies and reviews the gravitymodel, used to assess the determinants and patterns of trade, including thetrade effects of certain trade policies.

To register, send an e-mail to by November10.

For participants without a WTO badge, the badge can only beorganized if registration is completed before this date.​

UNCTAD Virtual Institute, Division on Globalization and Developement Strategies, and Trade Analysis Branch, Division on International Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities

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