United Nations trade cluster partners discuss progress in strengthening linkages between sustainable agriculture and tourism in Tanzania

10 December 2015
10:00 - 07:00 hrs. Hilton Doubletree Hotel, Oysterbay
Dar es Salaam
, United Republic of Tanzania

​Numerous stakeholders gathered in the Tanzanian capital in a workshop to discuss progress in implementing the project "Enhancing sustainable tourism, clean production and export capacity in the United Republic of Tanzania". The project  is a collaboration between Tanzanian authorities, private sector and different UN agencies which together form the UN Inter-Agency Cluster on Trade and Productive Capacity. UNCTAD was represented by Mr. Raul Javaloyes from its technical service, as well as Mr. Henrique Pacini and Mr. Rafe Dent from the Trade and Environment team.


 Stakeholders involved in different components of the project, such as Masasi foods and Tanga fresh presented their progress in marketing organic agriculture products in the Tanzanian market, with part of the progress relating to interventions of UNCTAD's enterprise development team. Discussions were focused on the development of linkages between organic agriculture producers and the local sources of demand, e.g. hotels and restaurants in the United Republic of Tanzania.


 UNCTAD also presented its report  containing recommendations on how to strengthen such linkages, including action on increasing awareness of the potential advantages of organic products; developing regions to serve as multipliers based on successful local experiences; fostering public-private partnerships to implement pro-poor tourism strategies and promotion of pro-poor tourism and branding. The report also calls for the development of a detailed action plan, done in partnership between the government and local stakeholders, outlining interventions which could strengthen linkages (and especially farmer's positions) while developing connections between organic agriculture and the tourism industry in Tanzania.

 The workshop has been organized by UNIDO and the International Trade Center (ITC) with the UN Inter-Agency Cluster on Trade and Productive Capacity (UNOPS, UNIDO, ITC, UNCTAD, ILO,) in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and funded by the Swiss Confederation State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).
10 Dec 2015

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