The Use of Intellectual Property Rights’ Flexibilities to Promote Local Pharmaceutical Production in Ethiopia

03 - 04 May 2016
Hotel Radisson Blu
Addis Ababa
, Ethiopia

Ethiopia_Pharma_forWeb.jpg UNCTAD in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Minsitry of Industry of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is organizing a workshop on the use of intellectual property rights' flexibilities to promote local pharmaceutical production in Ethiopia. 

The objective of the workshop is to pesent to national stakeholders a draft UNCTAD advisory report with recommendations to amend the existing patent law in Ethiopia to attract investment for generic pharmaceutical production and to build local productive capacities.

The target audience includes national high level policy makers, officiales in relevant pharmaceutical industries and academia.

23 Sep 2016
Ethiopian Ministry of Health and Ministry of Industry; World Health Organization
Sponsor / funding:
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

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