Virtual Institute online course on trade and gender

19 January - 08 March 2015

​The UNCTAD Virtual Institute (Vi) and the Trade, Gender and Development Section invite applications for the first edition of the online course on trade and gender, to be held 19 January to 8 March 2015.

The course will focus on analyzing the links between trade, gender and development to enhance the understanding of the interaction between trade and gender and their link to countries' inclusive development strategies. It will also provide participants with knowledge and skills necessary for the design and implementation of gender-aware trade and development policies that reflect the needs and interests of their countries.

The course targets academics, policymakers and representatives of civil society in developing and transition countries involved in research, teaching, and policy formulation and implementation in the area of trade and gender. Qualified women candidates and candidates from sub-Saharan Africa and the least developed countries are particularly encouraged to apply.

Thanks to support from the Government of Finland, the selected participants will be exempt from fees associated with access to the course and e-tutoring services provided.

The deadline for applications is December 1.​

More information


UNCTAD official notification



Sponsor / funding:
Government of Finland

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Vlasta Macku, Chief UNCTAD Virtual Institute