Virtual Institute online course on trade and poverty

09 September - 30 November 2012

[Deadline for application is 13 July 2012]
The online course, organized by the UNCTAD Virtual Institute (Vi), is aimed at researchers and university lecturers from developing and transition countries.
The objective is to provide participants with the empirical tools needed to assess the impact of trade and trade-related policies on poverty and income distribution. This is part of a broader Vi effort to strengthen research capacities in participants' countries to support governments in the design of pro-poor trade policies and attainment of the Millennium Development Goals.
The course is a hands-on technical course with emphasis on the manipulation of data and the use of econometric tools. Applicants are requested to have knowledge of STATA and trade theory and policy, in addition to a Master's degree in Economics and excellent knowledge of English.
Thanks to the support from the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the Government of Finland, all the selected participants will be exempt from course fees.
Interested candidates should apply for participation in the course.
They will be requested to accompany their application with a detailed CV and a nomination letter from their institution.
More detailed information, as well as the content and timetable of the course, are available in the attached course prospectus.
Sponsor / funding:
UNCTAD Virtual Institute, with the support of UN DESA and the Government of Finland

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