Virtual Progress Meeting on Development Account Project 11th Tranche in South Africa

09 July 2020
Virtual meeting
, South Africa

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the Department of Trade Industry (DTI) of South Africa joined efforts for the implementation of the Development Account 11th Tranche Project entitled Enabling policy frameworks for enterprise sustainability and SDG reporting in Africa and Latin America. The counterparts organised the Progress Project Meeting that was held online on 9 July 2020. The objective of the virtual meeting was to discuss the progress of the project activities in the country and elaborate on the interim results achieved. The project was successfully launched at the kick off meeting in November 2019. Following the launch of the project, the national assessment of the country’s capacity for high-quality corporate reporting has been initiated. The assessment was carried out based on the UNCTAD’s Accounting Development Tool (ADT) that intends to assist in the identifying priorities in order to develop the country’s action plan towards facilitating high quality sustainability reporting by companies based on international requirements, best practices and standards.  The Virtual Progress Meeting gave participants an opportunity to learn about insights discovered at the assessment phase, receive technical guidance, engage in the interactive discussion on further developments required for harmonization of sustainability reporting in the country as well as in the further progress of the project.
Department of Trade Industry (DTI) of South Africa
Sponsor / funding:
United Nations Development Account

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