UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Webinar on Competition law and policy approaches towards digital platforms and ecosystems in cooperation with the BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre and the Brazilian Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE).
Drawing on a report released in 2024 by BRICS competition authorities, this session highlights trends and commonalities in the way in which BRICS jurisdictions approach key competitive concerns relating to digital platforms and ecosystems.
The webinar will present views and opinions from Competition law enforcers and scholars from different jurisdictions.
Panelists will focus on recent developments on exclusivity and discrimination, recognizing the important role that these practices can play in creating and reinforcing platforms' power.
Additionally, emphasis will be placed on the growing relevance of theories of harm relating to "digital ecosystems" in merger policy.
Landmark cases, lessons learned and future perspectives for dealing with this globally relevant phenomenon will be discussed.
Please Note: There is no prior registration required.


Ms. Valentina Rivas - valentina.rivas@unctad.org
Mr. Sung Kim - sung.kim@unctad.org