Webinar on the future of industrialization in Africa - Maximizing the potential of finance and technology

06 December 2022
12:00 - 14:00 hrs. Geneva, UTC+1 / 14:00 -16:00 hrs. Addis Ababa, UTC+3

The socio-economic and financial shocks induced by recent crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, as well as the critical need for African countries (including individuals and businesses) to adapt to new environments and operational practices and strengthen their resilience to the disruptive effects of crises, highlighted the importance of innovative technologies.

The transformative potential of technologies can also be an opportunity for African governments and the private sector by accelerating industrialization, digital transformation and competitiveness of industries and markets. However, many obstacles could slow down the industrialization process and undermine the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA).

It is in this context that the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF) and UNCTAD are organizing a webinar of high-level experts to raise awareness among African policy-makers, development partners, private sector, financial institutions and regulators on the strategic role and catalytic potential of financial services and technologies in improving the competitiveness of African industries and economies, enhancing public and private markets for intra-African trade and investment, to drive economic transformation and contributing to the effective implementation of the AfCFTA Agreement.

The webinar will aim to target policymakers, parliamentarians, representatives of the private sector, the media, civil society, Economic and Regional Communities, academics and representatives of governments and French-speaking African countries.

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Rethinking the Foundations of Export Diversification in Africa – The Catalytic Role of Business and Financial Services
(UNCTAD/ALDC/AFRICA/2022) -  14 Jul 2022
24 Nov 2022
02 Dec 2022
l'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie

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Africa Africa



Mr. Ali Yedan 

Ms. Judith Ameso