Workshop on the Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) update of Ethiopia

22 December 2014
9:00-16:00 hrs., Room 5, United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC)
Addis Ababa
, Ethiopia

Opening remarks by:

  • H.E. Yakob YALA, State Minister, Ministry of Trade Ethiopia

  • Mr. Taffere TESFACHEW, Director, Division for Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programmes, UNCTAD

  • Ms. Christiane KRAUS, EIF Secretariat


Trade and Trade Policy Making: Macroeconomic overview

This session will discuss the potential role of trade as an engine of growth, employment generation, poverty reduction and sustainable development and how the DTIS can be used as an effective tool to support the mainstreaming of trade priorities into national trade strategies.

In Ethiopia, the latter is embedded in the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) and the DTIS provides a mechanism to identify constraints to trade expansion and also serves as a basis for agreement at national level on the priority areas for action that can be reflected in the second phase of the GTP.


Sectoral issues, Trade Logistics, Trade Facilitation, Trade Negotiations and Market Access

This session will discuss a number of trade-related areas to be addressed in the DTIS update.

In a changing global trade landscape, the focus of trade policy and strategy should be on reducing trade transaction costs through trade facilitation and improving logistics services and the overall production capacity of the sectors targeted for export promotion.

Equally important is securing easy entry into foreign markets both at the regional level and beyond, preferably under favourable conditions, including a more liberal rules-of-origin.

This session will discuss the current status and prospects of the sectors identified by the Government of Ethiopia as priority areas for investment and export-oriented development.

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