Advancing the Post-2015 Development Agenda requires a development policy rethink

04 February 2015

​In its latest Policy Brief, UNCTAD lays out four elements of a more ambitious and flexible policy approach required for developing countries to spur growth and attain the goals of a post-2015 development agenda.

Global demand is unlikely to return to a rapid and sustained growth path any time soon - unless there is a significant shift in the policy mix of advanced countries.

This unfavourable turn in the external economic environment poses a risk not only to sustained economic growth in developing countries, but more generally to attainment of the goals of an ambitious development agenda with structural transformation at its centre.

To meet the ambitious and transformative post-2015 agenda envisioned by the proposed sustainable development goals, developing countries need to have enough policy space in particular in the areas of trade, finance, and industrial development. In addition, they must have the fiscal revenues to match their ambition.