Innovate 4 Water conference, Geneva 8-9 June, 2017

10 July 2017

​Steve MacFeely, Head of Statistics and Information at UNCTAD, presented ated at the Innovate 4 Water conference organized by Waterpreneurs, WaterVent and the World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva on 8 & 9 June, 2017.

Steve MacFeely, UNCTAD Chief Statistician, gave a talk at the Innovate 4 Water conference about 'A public-data revolution' focused on the need to harness both public and private data, but in particular public administrative data through the systematic development of 'national data infrastructures'.

Challenge: A Public Data Revolution.
Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and trans-border infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all.

Question to / Need from the audience: How do we to promote the idea that data is an asset and, that public data, is an essential element of national infrastructure?