Innovation and Technology Day

23 May 2012

​Participants in the Innovation and Technology Day at UNCTAD XIII highlighted the unlimited power of innovation for development.

InnovationTechnology_200x142.gif The Innovation and Technology Day, organized by UNCTAD in partnership with the Qatar Foundation, took place during UNCTAD XIII in Qatar.
Stressing the unlimited power of innovation, participants highlighted the need for an open and interactive environment that fosters collaboration and exchange among enterprises, research institutions and Government.
Technology pioneers, entrepreneurs, policy makers and experts talked about the direct link between technology and innovation on the one hand and economic and social development on the other. They agreed that it is essential that the technology dimension is better reflected in the development agenda. 
The event was opened by Mr. Supachai Panitchpakdi, the Secretary-General of UNCTAD, who described innovation and technology as a fundamental driver of economic growth and that they also hold the key to resolving some of the major challenges facing humanity today. He said that this first Innovation and Technology Day organized together with Qatar Foundation was testimony to the importance of making globalization fairer, more inclusive and more sustainable. “Together, we should strive to identify best practices and how to remove the remaining barriers to pro-development science, technology and innovation policies.”

Dr. Tidu Maini, Science and Technology Adviser to Sheikha Moza bint Nasser and Executive Chairman of the Qatar Science and Technology Park said that Qatar Foundation has established the Park as a unique model to accelerate research and innovation, while creating partnerships with industry to address the grand challenges that the country faced. The country is investing heavily into research through a national funding agency.

The former President of Finland, Mrs. Tarja Karina Halonen, brought forward that social innovations are just as crucial as technology innovations. Broadband access has been made a fundamental human right in the country and major investments were made in the ‘90s in the ICT sector. In addition, public-private partnerships including universities and the private sector were promoted.
Key messages were that governments have a key role to play in the creation of such ecosytems for innovation that consist of adequately skilled human resources and access to markets and capital, combined with knowledge. New technologies, including ICTs, biotechnology and nanotechnology, are creating new opportunities for countries at varying levels of development. All speakers identified that some of the general characteristics common to many successful innovators included aspiration, curiosity, passion, creativity, continuous learning and persistence. A culture that accepts failure was identified to be very relevant for eventual success.
For UNCTAD, a key task can be to help provide a stronger interface between science, technology and innovation and policymaking.
Participants encouraged UNCTAD to continue to provide a platform to foster dialogue and partnership among various stakeholders. They welcomed the collaboration between UNCTAD and the Qatar Foundation in organizing this special event, which allowed for an interactive dialogue between the general public, world-class experts, practitioners and policy makers. They suggested UNCTAD to continue spearheading work in this important area and enhance its cooperation with other development partners.
  • Soumitra Dutta, Professor INSEAD
  • Hermes Chan, Co-Founder, president and CEO of Medmira
  • Khalid Al-Mohannadi, Co-founder of Sago
  • H.E. Tissa Vitarana, Minister of Scientific Affairs, Sri Lanka
  • H.E. José Urquizo Maggia, Minister of Production, Peru
  • Dr. Hessa Al Jaber, Secretary-General, ICTQatar
  • Eric Hersman, Co-founder of Ushahidi
  • H.E. Mongi Marzoug, Minister of Information and Communication Technologies, Tunisia
  • David Mowery, Professor University California, Berkeley

  • David Foster, Al Jazeera