Mongolia thanks UNCTAD for its technical assistance in industrial and agricultural reform

13 June 2014

​Foreign Minister notes recent cooperation on Mongolia’s Investment Policy Review on the occasion of UNCTAD’s fiftieth anniversary.


Congratulatory message from Luvsanvandan Bold, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Mongolia to UNCTAD Secretary-General Mukhisa Kituyi


On behalf of the Government of Mongolia and in my own name, I would like to send the sincere congratulations coupled with warm greeting to you and to the extended family of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development on the solemn occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of UNCTAD.

The bilateral relations and multifaceted cooperation between Mongolia and the UNCTAD have grown up successfully over the past five decades and the UNCTAD's assistance and support have played an enormous role in Mongolia's transition to market economy, undertaking wide range of reforms, ensuring sustainable industrial and agricultural sectors' growth and improving the living standard of its citizen.

The projects and programs that support bio trade such as "Artichoke Mongolia" and "Mongolian Noble Fibre" are successfully being implemented. I am pleased to note that on April 2014, the UNCTAD has got acquainted with the "Mongolian Investment Policy Review" devised by the UNCTAD project team.

Seizing this moment I would like to point out that Mongolia attaches a particular importance to its constructive cooperation with the UNCTAD and reaffirm our willingness to reinvigorate it further.

Please, Your Excellency Mr. Secretary General, accept the assurance of my high consideration along with the best wishes to you and to the participants of the Conference the well- being and the continued success in future endeavour.


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