Nineteenth Report on G20 Investment Measures

04 July 2018

​The joint UNCTAD-OECD Report indicates that investment policy measures taken by G20 Members show a mixed picture. While some point towards greater openness for foreign investment and the easing of conditions for international capital flows, especially where enterprise investment is concerned, others introduce new investment restrictions.

During the reporting period (from mid-October 2017 to mid-May 2018), six G20 Members - Australia, Canada, China, India, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia - amended their investment-specific policies. In contrast to findings for most of the earlier reporting periods, the proportion of policy measures that point to greater openness for inward foreign investment has declined.

In addition, three G20 Members (Australia, China and Italy) introduced new investment policies related to national security. More policy changes are planned or considered in this area in both G20 Members and non-G20 economies.

Three G20 Members (Argentina, Brazil and Turkey) concluded 11 new bilateral investment treaties (BITs). In addition, eight G20 Members (Argentina, Australia, Canada, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico and the European Union) concluded 7 other International Investment Agreements (IIAs) such as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), and the Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Korea and the Republics of Central America.

The report stresses that the G20 Members' commitment to an open, transparent and conducive investment policy environment is particularly important at a time when the multilateral system of international economic relations is under strain.