Palestinian Authority staff receive training on United Nations system in Geneva

08 October 2013

UNCTAD Secretary-General Mukhisa Kituyi offered his congratulations to two staff members of the Ministry of National Economy of the Palestinian Authority, as they completed a three-week training programme about the United Nations system in Geneva.

Mukhisa Kituyi and Khader Daraghma

The UNCTAD-organized training programme was designed to familiarize staff of the Ministry with the activities of UNCTAD, and with the work of other United Nations agencies in Geneva.

The programme is designed to supplement the annual training offered to Palestinian Authority staff at United Nations Headquarters in New York.

The Geneva component is organized by UNCTAD's Assistance to the Palestinian People Unit (APPU), in collaboration with the United Nations Division for Palestinian Rights which is based in New York.

Khader Daraghma and Suha Awadallah are the fourth group of Palestinian Authority staff members to receive the training.


Mukhisa Kituyi and Suha Awadallah

During the programme, the two officials attended the sixtieth session of UNCTAD's Trade and Development Board, and participated in its deliberations on UNCTAD's assistance to the Palestinian people.

They also followed the Board's discussions on globalization and interdependence, development strategies, trade, investment, and macroeconomic policies in developing countries.

As part of their introduction to the work of other international agencies in Geneva, the Palestinian Authority staff members attended meetings of the Human Rights Council and the World Trade Organization.

In addition, they visited the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the International Labour Organization, the International Trade Centre, and the World Health Organization.


Group photo
Group photo after the graduation ceremony.
From left: Mutasim Elagraa (UNCTAD), Suha Awadallah, Mukhisa Kituyi (UNCTAD Secretary-General), Khader Daraghma, Richard Kozul-Wright (OiC-DGDS, UNCTAD) and Mahmoud Elkhafif (Chief of APPU, UNCTAD)