MiEmpresa.gob.sv - El Salvador’s online registration system implemented by UNCTAD - is making an impact with Salvadoran business entrepreneurs, allowing them to comply with all mandatory registration requirements in just two easy steps.
Out of El Salvador’s economically active population of 2.75 million, 1.9 million operate in the informal sector. In order to be able to work legally in El Salvador, entrepreneurs are obliged to register with the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Finance, the Registry of Commerce, and the municipality.
Since the inception of MiEmpresa.gob.sv, entrepreneurs in San Salvador have been able to register simultaneously with all the above authorities to join the legal economy.
By introducing the MiEmpresa system, the Government of El Salvador has put entrepreneurs at the centre of eGovernance, offering them an online database where they can register, save and consult all documents related to their business identity.
The various offices involved in the registration process can access the information that they require through a personalized interface.
MiEmpresa is a unique system in the region. As well as allowing online registration, it details the obligations of entrepreneurs when they join the formal economy, and provides easy access to information about a wide range of benefits offered by public and private service providers, such as credits, training, and health insurance.
El Salvador’s simplified registration procedure is a result of the implementation of UNCTAD’s eRegulations system and has been carried out with the financial support of the Government of Luxembourg.
A wide range of further news items outlining the implementation of eRegulations by UNCTAD in various countries and areas can be found here.