Your limitation is only in your imagination

15 November 2019

by Linda Okero Coordinator, Youth Action Hub Kenya and member of the UNCTAD Youth Network

"Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing"
Muhammad Ali

Living in a world that is characterised by opportunistic descriptions of youth as a problem that needs to be solved, I choose to set my eyes to an expectant future – a future which is not blind to the past struggles and present discomforts but a future that is a master piece of art from the finest painter of our times – the youth.

It was on the steps of the Palais des Nations in Geneva on the 25th day of October 2018 that the words of former President Obama ‘’Yes we can’’ resonated with me in a powerful and unceremonious way.

On that day, I had presented a passionate narrative on the future, the unknown fate of youth across the globe and the sustainable development agenda.

Linda Okero

While breaking down my experience to easily palatable food for thought notions, I realized the baton to sprint as change agents, to shape the course of our lives and the lives of generations to come, lies with us – the youth.

Today, the dream that was born that day, is a vehicle of growth powered by youth, led by youth and for the youth. UNCTAD Youth Action Hub Kenya is among more than 42 hubs across the globe changing chances of young people in trade through trade facilitation by sensitization, stakeholder engagements and knowledge sharing.

Eight months in operation, UNCTAD Youth Action Hub Kenya has made enormous stride in creating visibility to the hub, its activities and the members. To date, through participation at strategic forums and stakeholder meetings, the Action Hub and its members has interacted with officials from UNECA, Trademark East Africa, Ministry of Trade and Industrialization (Kenya), the East Africa Legislative Assembly, UNCTAD Regional Office – Africa, Kentrade among other institutions.

As youth, we are constantly torn between a world of disappointment and a world of dreams, so much to lose and so much to gain; breathing into life the conversation of a better tomorrow – there is so much to fight for, so much to change.

Being a member of the UNCTAD Youth Action Hub family is a constant reminder that the goal should not be to build a future for the youth but to build youth for the future. By building youth for the future, we offer them the honour of going down a great path of self-discovery, improvement, learning and growth – a journey that prepares them for life.

Linda Okero

With a cultural vibrancy that is characterized by innovation, an adaptive mindset and realistic attitude, UNCTAD Youth Action Hubs Initiative is giving rise to a global movement founded on the validity of our dreams. 

Young people in these hubs around the world are utilizing the new global culture characterized by technology, innovation and new media as tools not just for socialization but for greater good; to bridge social differences, build sustainable nations, advance economic growth, promote democracy and political stability.

This demonstrates to the world our potential and influence in engineering a sense of stability, peace and unity across geographical, gender, age, racial or ethnic divides.

The change we desire must begin with transforming our beliefs, values and attitudes and spreading the reform to the rest of society.  Let us engage and be part of a transformed generation that depicts youth as a population that is ready for leadership; increasing awareness on our claim to be heard on the global stage is crucial, now more than ever.

Our dreams do not have an expiration date. We must get to a point where everyone, each corporation, each community chooses to be part of this narrative – to be part of the yardstick of change that we desire in the world.

The Youth Action Hubs Initiative has been created by youth at the second Youth Forum of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) that was held in October 2018 in Geneva. It is linked to the platform that UNCTAD created for youth under the name of “UNCTAD Youth Network”. The initiative operates with the support of UNCTAD and empowers youth to think globally and express views on matters within UNCTAD’s mandate and to take action locally as game changers in their communities by setting up sustainable development goals related projects.