Vermaran Extavour

Vermaran Extavour
Regional Project Coordinator
Food and Agriculture Organization

Ms. Vermaran Extavour has served at the FAO Sub-regional office for the Caribbean since 2015 serving the region through projects aimed at the development of the Roots and Tubers value chains in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Activities under these projects, included market development strategies for new and innovative products and collaboration with the private sector in national and regional market expansion.  The public private sector partnerships featured an integrated approach for development of root and tuber crops. 

Currently Ms. Extavour is an international expert in value chains and project coordination in the sub-region and working with smallholder farmers and fisherfolk to strengthen their capacities along viable value chains while taking into account, gender, climate change and digital solutions in the sector. 

Before joining FAO, Ms. Extavour worked as an agribusiness consultant with the Caribbean Agribusiness Association for 2 years as well as the agroprocessing and Project Manager for the Trinidad and Tobago Agribusiness Association.  She also worked with IICA and CARDI supporting the development of smallholders in the agriculture sector.

Her formal training has been completed in the areas of Human Ecology, Nutritional Sciences, Food Technology, Business Administration and Project Management.