4th Eurasian Women’s Forum

Statement by Rebeca Grynspan, Secretary-General of UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

4th Eurasian Women’s Forum

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
18 September 2024

[Video message]

Distinguished delegates, guests, ladies and gentlemen, friends, 

The 4th Eurasian Women's Forum provides a valuable platform to address the pressing challenges and opportunities facing women in our interconnected world. The theme of "Women in favor of building trust and cooperation" is particularly relevant in the times we live. 

Today, we face a world marked not only by a deficit of trust, but also by a deficit of hope. Economic disparities, inequalities, geopolitical crises and worsening climate change have created a sense of fragmentation and uncertainty.  

But the struggle for women’s empowerment is not, and cannot be, a fragmented struggle. As a Latin American woman, Eurasian women’s empowerment matters to me, because while our continents may be geographically distant, the challenges we face as women are strikingly similar. Our struggle is universal, because our challenges and our aspirations are universal.  

The crises we face today demand that we harness the full potential of humanity. And that means empowering women to have the possibility to decide their project of life and to be leaders, innovators and change-makers – so that women can learn, can build, can trade, can lead, can cooperate, can network, can create and can care for. 

Eurasia, a continental bridge between Europe and Asia, is a crucible of cultures, histories and aspirations. It is a region where languages intertwine, traditions intermingle, and ideas intersect.  

This forum is an opportunity to leverage our collective wisdom. It is a chance to forge partnerships, to share best practices and to amplify the voices of women who are making a difference in their families, in their communities, in their countries, across the globe and across the multilateral system.  

Let us seize this moment to build a future where every woman, in every corner of the world, can rise to her full potential. And in doing so, we must build the trust and cooperation that the world desperately needs, so we can look at the future with hope. 

Thank you.