Press Release
For use of information media - Not an official record

Geneva, Switzerland, 18 May 2001

Changing the erroneous perception that the e-commerce revolution is of little relevance to the world’s least developed countries will be the central objective of the digital economy event to be held on 18 May as part of the Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries. H.E. Dr. Ram Sharan Mahat, Minister of Finance of Nepal, will open the session by offering his reflections on the digital economy. Nepal is one of the more dynamic Internet markets in South Asia.

The event will focus on the new opportunities being opened up by information and communication technologies (ICT) for economic diversification and growth in the LDCs. One highlight will be the presentation of successful e-business initiatives developed in these countries, which will provide replicable examples of how to exploit new comparative advantages created by e-commerce.

UNCTAD, which has organized the event, has identified the economic sectors and individual companies in the LDCs that can start up or expand their e-commerce and/or e-business activities through links with partners in more developed nations. These sectors will be presented during the morning session at three panels on teleservices, various products and services, and e-commerce infrastructure facilities. Exhibits will convey the enormous potential existing in LDCs along with the benefits they and the rest of the world can expect from ICT.

Participants will hear about proven e-success stories in the LDCs and receive first-hand information on how to tap the potential for successful e-business ventures in these countries. Representatives of the Agence Intergouvernementale de la Francophonie, the World Bank, other international organizations and private companies actively involved in the ICT revolution will propose and announce various initiatives for the benefit of LDCs.