Press Release
For use of information media - Not an official record

Geneva, Switzerland, 4 April 2003

FDI outflows from Sweden rose last year by more than 50%, to $10.9 billion. About one third of the increase was due to the acquisition of Sonora (Finland) by Telia, both of them telecommunications firms. Inflows, however, continued to decline for the third year in a row, to $11.1 billion. In terms of FDI stock, the country is a net outward investor. FDI is nonetheless increasingly important to the Swedish economy, with a 41% ratio of FDI stock to GDP in 2000, up from about 5% a decade ago. In 2001 there were more than 900 Swedish TNCs; about half of their affiliates are located in Europe, although the US is also an important location. Employment in these affiliates almost doubled over the past decade, particularly in the tertiary sector.

FDI flows to Belgium and Luxembourg have also tumbled, down by more than half in 2001 alone. The decline is partly a correction of exceptionally high M&A-related flows in 1999-2000, and in any case the 2001 levels were considerably above the 1995-1998 average. About 80% of Luxembourg´s FDI stock in 2000 was in the tertiary sector, reflecting the country´s strong position in banking and finance. Investment from the US - the country´s third largest investment partner - was mainly in manufacturing. Luxembourg´s 163 TNCs had about 563 affiliates abroad in 1999, some 60% of them in financial services, but this share has fallen since 1995.

National investment profiles are being published online as they become available, based on each country´s reporting schedules. The profiles, which are part of UNCTAD´s World Investment Directory, provide quick electronic access to the latest statistics on foreign direct investment (FDI) and the operations of transnational corporations (TNCs). They include statistical definitions and sources, a listing of relevant national laws and regulations, information on bilateral and multilateral agreements and a bibliography.