The technical cooperation strategy that was adopted by the Trade and Development Board in October 2003 (decision 478(L)) is based on several consultations with member States and on the application to UNCTAD assistance of the "capacity development" concept being used in the UN system.
The main goal is to enhance the endogenous capacity of beneficiary countries to face challenges and benefit from opportunities and to set and implement their own development strategies, as well as to emphasize the development of human, institutional, productive and export capacities of beneficiary countries.
The strategy calls for more inter-divisional cooperation within the secretariat and strengthened cooperation with other agencies providing technical assistance in the field of trade and investment.
It also refers to: intensified country-level activities, subject to availability of human and financial resources, partnerships with civil society, and networking activities; and monitoring and evaluation instruments. Both, the Board decision and its annex, pinpoint the need for predictable and sustainable resources and call for "long-term sustainable activities, particularly through multi-year funding mechanisms and interdivisional operations based on the thematic priorities set by the UNCTAD work programme".
More recently, during the 63rd session of the Trade and Development Board in December 2016, member States adopted Decision 529 (LXIII), which "encourages developed countries and development partners in a position to do so to make multi-year contributions to UNCTAD technical cooperation, in order to increase predictability in the planning and implementation of technical assistance programmes, and to enable the secretariat to meet demands for technical assistance".
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The Nairobi Maafikiano sets thematic priorities that orient the content and determine the scope of UNCTAD´s assistance.
In parallel with these UNCTAD 14 mandates, the 2003 technical cooperation strategy sets the overarching goals, the conceptual framework and the operational modalities that allow UNCTAD´s assistance to be effective.