Fiji ginger export guide: Green exports to foster sustainable development

The purpose of this export guide is to help ginger growers, exporters, and Fijian policymakers understand the challenges and opportunities in accessing international ginger markets.

The main goal is to provide stakeholders, particularly exporters, with an understanding of the export process, equipping them with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate these complexities. In addition, the guide seeks to raise awareness about opportunities for exporting ginger to sustainability-focused markets, with particular emphasis on markets for organic products.

The guide covers pertinent aspects such as market trends, regulatory requirements in key markets, including the European Union, the United States of America, Japan and Australia, and different organic certification schemes. It outlines key steps in the export process, including identifying and accessing overseas markets, fulfilling regulatory and quality standards, obtaining necessary certifications, securing financial support, meeting packaging and labelling requirements, and managing logistical considerations to ensure a smooth export journey.

While this guide will focus specifically on the export conditions for fresh ginger – both low and high maturity ginger – it also highlights market opportunities for derivative ginger products.

For Fiji, an economy with a significant agricultural base, the shift towards sustainable practices and voluntary standards such as “organic” certification is gaining momentum among policymakers, farmers, and exporters (Ministry of Strategic Planning, National Development and Statistics, 2014). 

Under Fiji’s 5-Year and 20- Year National Development Plan, the country identified organic agricultural products as a niche export product to further develop. The plan emphasizes the promotion of organic farming practices while pursuing the production of both traditional crops for home consumption and niche agricultural and fisheries products for export (Ministry of Economy, 2017).

The guide is part of the project titled “Green trade for sustainable development in Pacific small island developing States of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG)”.

The objective of this project is to identify and strengthen synergistic linkages between green trade promotion and the Sustainable Development Strategies (SDS) of MSG member States – Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu – in a regionally collaborative manner.

The guide was prepared jointly by UNCTAD and the MSG Secretariat, with the support of the Government of Fiji. It is an output for Fiji of Phase 1 of the project. Phase 1 comprises all national activities to identify potential synergistic linkages and to promote green trade. The activities under Phase 1 included:

The Phase 1 activities and reports laid the foundation for Phase 2, which entailed the creation of a Subregional Action Plan for Green Trade Promotion at the MSG level.

Fiji ginger export guide: Green exports to foster sustainable development - Technical cooperation outcome  (UNCTAD/TCS/DITC/INF/2025/1)
4 Feb 2025