International investment in climate change adaptation and mitigation

Trends and policy developments

This publication aims to inform the debate on climate finance at COP27. It presents the latest international climate change investment trends and policy developments.

The publication brings together the key findings of several recent monitors published by UNCTAD, including a Special Issue of the Global Investment Trends Monitor (GITM no. 43) on climate change investment trends, a Special Issue of the Investment Policy Monitor (IPM no. 9) on national investment policy developments relevant to climate change, and two IIA Issues Notes on developments in the area of international investment agreements and investor-State dispute settlement.

The publication further incorporates key findings from the World Investment Report 2022, insights from the intergovernmental debate during UNCTAD’s Multi-Year Expert Meeting on Investment and Climate Change held in October 2022, and elements from the G20 Compendium on Promoting Investment for Sustainable Development, prepared by UNCTAD under the guidance of the Indonesian presidency of the G20.

UNCTAD will continue to monitor global investment trends and prospects, as well as national and international policy developments, with a special focus on progress towards the SDGs and on climate change mitigation and adaptation.

International Investment in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation - Trends and Policy Developments  (UNCTAD/DIAE/INF/2022/2)
8 Nov 2022