Investment Policy Review: Burundi

Following a decade of conflict, Burundi has embarked upon an ambitious programme of political stabilization, national reconciliation and economic reforms. Although foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows are still very limited, conditions to attract higher levels are gradually put in place and opportunities are materializing. FDI attraction is now part of Burundi´s development strategy, as exemplified by the recent creation of an investment promotion agency.

However, Burundi still faces numerous challenges. The security situation remains fragile and public institutions lack appropriate resources. The country´s economy is based on agriculture, a sector with low and declining productivity, and the private sector is underdeveloped while the business environment needs in-depth reforms. Moreover, the conflict has affected considerably human capital and infrastructures.

Against this background, the Investment Policy Review of Burundi suggests concrete recommendations with a view to integrating FDI in the country´s economic reconstruction. In addition to providing an analysis of the investment regulatory framework, the report puts forward elements of a strategic FDI attraction approach and gives recommendations for the setting up of the investment promotion agency.

The various recommendations are brought together under six major pillars:

  • Consolidating peace and political stability
  • Enhancing competitiveness
  • Modernizing the legal framework and harmonizing it with East African Community initiatives
  • Strengthening institutions
  • Reinforcing the quality of, and the access to, information
  • Exploiting sectoral opportunities (services, tourism, mining, agriculture, manufacturing)

The report concludes on the necessity for the Government of Burundi to make continuous and coordinated efforts, backed by an active support of the international community.

UNCTAD assisted the Government of Burundi by:

  • Providing advisory service on the institutional framework for promotion of investment.

Contributing to easing the business permitting process through UNCTAD's eRegulations.

Investment Policy Review: Burundi (UNCTAD/DIAE/PCB/2009/17 )
1 Mar 2010