Rules of Procedure of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and its Subsidiary Bodies

The present document is a compilation of the previously issued different sets of rules of procedure of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and its subsidiary bodies. The compilation is intended to be a user-friendly reference for all UNCTAD stakeholders and staff of the UNCTAD secretariat.

The rules of procedure of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development were first adopted at its 37th plenary meeting on 1 February 1968; the version in this compilation incorporates subsequent amendments approved by the Conference in 1972 and 1983, as well as amendments arising from Conference resolution 86 (IV) of 28 May 1976 and General Assembly resolution 31/159 of 21 December 1976, and published in 1987 as document TD/63/Rev.2.

The rules of procedure of the Trade and Development Board were first approved on 20 September 1963 at its 172nd plenary meeting and published in 1989 with subsequent revisions as document TD/B/16/Rev.4 and Corr.1. The rules of procedure of the Main Committees of the Trade and Development Board were originally approved on 8 September 1978 at the 506th meeting of the Board and published as document TD/B/740.