UNCTAD Training Manual on Statistics for FDI and the Operations of TNCs - Volume III: Collecting and Reporting FDI/TNC Statistics: Institutional Issues

Given the prominent role that FDI plays in the global market,policymakers are particularlyconcerned with the monitoringof this specific category of crossborderactivities. The statisticalmeasurement of FDI thereforecontinues to be a priority on theagenda of national authorities andinternational organizations. Thequality of the statistics dependslargely on the comprehensiveness,timeliness, reliability andinternational comparability ofdata. To meet these criteria, officialcompilers need to be attentive notonly to the methodology usedfor producing estimates of FDIactivity, but also to the varioustypes of institutional supportavailable for properly recordingand monitoring such activity. Inaddition, their concerns shouldgo well beyond the compilationissue, to include revision cyclesfor data improvement as wellas dissemination formats andpolicies.

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| Volume I: FDI Flows and Stocks |

| Volume II: Statistics on the Operations of Transnational Corporations |