Voluntary peer review of competition policy: Serbia (Full Report)

This report examines competition law and enforcement in the Republic of Serbia, as well as competition policy and other policies withimplications for competition in the markets of the country.

It is based upon:

  1. a review of the legal documents – competition law, statutes of the Serbian Commission for Protection of Competition (SCPC),regulations and guidelines;

  2. decisions and reports issued by SCPC;

  3. laws, statutes, regulations and reports pertaining to regulators and other institutions in charge of policies with a bearing on the functioningof competition in the markets of Serbia;

  4. two missions to Belgrade in November 2010 and January 2011, where interviews were carried out with the Council and personnel of SCPC, the Ministry of Trade and Services, the Ministry of Economy, the Administrative Court, business and consumer associations, academics, lawyers and economists.



Full report [PDF, 110 Pages, 1458Kb]

Also available in: Serbian

Overview [PDF, 35pp., 320KB]
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