Anne Muraya

Anne Muraya
Partner/Deputy Audit Leader
Deloitte East Africa

Anne is a Partner and Deputy Audit Leader in Deloitte East Africa, with over 18 years’ experience
in audit. She holds a Bachelor of Education (Science) Degree from Kenyatta University and is a
Certified Public Accountant. She is a Member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of
Kenya (ICPAK) and also a Member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants Rwanda (IcPAR).
Currently, she is the Regional Professional Practice Director for East Africa and leads the team
that deals with technical consultations on IFRS and has been actively involved in delivering training
on the implementation of the requirements of International Standards on Auditing and
International Financial Reporting Standards both internally and on Seminars and Workshops
organised by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK).
Anne has also been an assessor in the Leadership and Development Assessment Centre - this is
an assessment that Senior Managers go through to determine partner potential and the Manager
Assessment Centre which seeks to prepare managers for leadership.
She is a Committee Member of ICPAK’s Professional Standards Committee and a panelist on the
Financial Reporting Award of excellence (FiRe), a program that is carried out annually by ICPAK
jointly with Kenya Capital Markets Authority and Nairobi Securities Exchange to reward excellence
in financial reporting.
Anne has gained vast experience as an Audit Partner in charge of several companies in Kenya.
She also performs quality control reviews for banking and other clients in Tanzania, Uganda,
Ethiopia and Rwanda. This gives her a good view of the business issues in Kenya and in the