Lahsen Ababouch

Lahsen Ababouch
Former Director
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Division

Former Director of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, Dr Lahsen Ababouch works currently as expert on fisheries and aquaculture value chains for various UN agencies, academia, industry and NGOs.

Before joining FAO in 2000, he was Professor at the King Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, in Rabat, Morocco, where he held teaching, research and advisory positions for industry outreach, trade agreements and agribusiness.  He has authored/co-authored over 130 papers, books and book chapters, and presented over 250 communications.

He was awarded the King Baudouin Award for Excellence in Research by the International Foundation for Science (Sweden, 1996); the Distinguished Leadership Award for Internationals by the University of Minnesota (USA, 2004), and the Special recognition Award of the International Association of Seafood Professionals (2009) . He was nominated a University of Minnesota Hunger Fighter, on the occasion of the 50th Nobel Peace Prize Anniversary of Dr. Norman Borlaug (2021).