Mukhisa Kituyi

Mukhisa Kituyi

<strong>Mukhisa Kituyi</strong>, of Kenya, became UNCTAD's seventh Secretary-General on 1 September 2013. After serving an initial four-year term, he was reappointed by the General Assembly in July 2017 for an additional term that began on 1 September that year.
He has an extensive background as an elected official, academic and holder of high government office. Elected to the Parliament of Kenya in 1992 he was twice re-elected. As Minister of Trade and Industry of Kenya (2002 - 2007)

Prior to becoming Secretary-General, Dr. Kituyi was Chief Executive of the Kenya Institute of Governance and a Fellow of the Brookings Institution. Dr. Kituyi was among the experts advising the presidents of East African Community (2008 - 2012). He was a consultant for the African Union Commission (2011 - 2012), helping to develop a pan-African charter and roadmap for a comprehensive free trade area.

Dr. Kituyi studied political science and international relations at the University of Nairobi and at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda, receiving a BA in 1982. He held a Master of Philosophy and a PhD from the University of Bergen, Norway.