Roble Sabrie

Roble Sabrie
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Roble Sabrie is an Economist of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) with over fifteen years of experience related to agriculture economics and rural development including assignments focused on value chain development, agribusiness development, market linkages, food systems analysis, regional trade, and rural poverty reduction in Latin America, Caribbean, Africa and Eastern Europe. He has contributed to numerous publications and supported projects on these critical topics.

Recent analysis work include: Study for the establishment of a maritime service to improve agrifood trade and food security between Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada and Barbados; Identification of a pipeline of potential agrifood borrowers in the Caribbean (for the AGRiFi EU financed impact fund); Priority areas for irrigation investments in Belize; Study on the State of Agriculture in the Caribbean.

Roble holds an MA in development economics from the University of Sussex (UK) and a BSc in economics from Roma Tre University (Italy).