Transnational Corporations publishes high-quality policy-oriented research. Work submitted to the journal should adhere to generally accepted academic standards in terms of originality, significance and rigour, as well as to the criteria for high-quality research and analysis set out in United Nations publication policies, and specifically UNCTAD’s Publication Policy.
The journal is committed to inclusivity and encourages submissions from a diverse range of authors from all countries and backgrounds. It welcomes contributions from the academic community, policymakers, research institutes, international organizations and others.
In line with the journal’s aims and scope, submissions are sought from a variety of disciplines. However, submissions should be accessible across disciplines (idiosyncratic research relevant for a single discipline should be avoided) and of interest for the non-academic readership of the journal in the policy and practitioner communities.
To ensure high-quality, impactful publications that are both academically rigorous and policy relevant, authors should ensure appropriate policy framing of the paper, demonstrate policy relevance and draw clear policy conclusions.
In line with our publication ethics statement, allegations of research misconduct and suspected plagiarism, including duplicate or redundant publications, false citations, falsification of data or omission of data sources, will be investigated and appropriate action will be taken.