Arrangements for the participation of non-governmental organizations in the activities of UNCTAD

Action taken by the Trade and Development Board 2011
Arrangements for the participation of non-governmental organizations in the activities of UNCTAD
Decision 507 (EX-53)
10 Jul 2011

The Trade and Development Board,

Recalling Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31 and paragraph 35 (f)of the UNCTAD communications strategy (TD/B/56/9/Rev.1) adopted by the Boardat its fifty-sixth session,

Taking note of the secretariat note contained in document TD/B/EX(53)/6,

Decides that, henceforth, national, regional and subregional non-governmentalorganizations, as well as the national affiliates of international non-governmentalorganizations already in status with UNCTAD, are eligible to apply for consultativestatus with UNCTAD in accordance with the existing applicable procedures andpractices for the participation of non-governmental organizations in the activities ofUNCTAD.

1070th plenary meeting
11 July 2011