Evaluation of UNCTAD activities

Action taken by the Trade and Development Board 2020
Evaluation of UNCTAD activities
Agreed Conclusions
16 Sep 2020

The Working Party on the Strategic Framework and the Programme Budget

  1. Reaffirms the importance of evaluations for transparency, accountability and learning in accordance with the UNCTAD evaluation policy and the Norms and Standards for Evaluation of the United Nations Evaluation Group;
  2. Takes note of the document “Evaluation of UNCTAD activities: Overview” (TD/B/WP/304); and encourages the UNCTAD secretariat to continue strengthening the evaluation function, in particular to improve the utilization of evaluative knowledge for evidence-based decision-making in the design and implementation of UNCTAD projects and programmes; and therefore calls upon UNCTAD to ensure that all projects have a built-in funding component for evaluation;
  3. Welcomes the meta-analysis of the lessons learned in 2015–2019; and calls upon UNCTAD to share information at forthcoming sessions of the Working Party on how the recommendations are being integrated into ongoing and planned technical cooperation activities;
  4. Calls for the improved integration of cross-cutting priorities into technical cooperation programmes;
  5. Looks forward to a new cycle of in-depth evaluations of the five subprogrammes; and calls for the presentation of the results of the first evaluation as soon as feasible after the fifteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.