Financing of experts from developing countries and economies in transition when participating in UNCTAD meetings

Action taken by the Trade and Development Board 2000
Financing of experts from developing countries and economies in transition when participating in UNCTAD meetings
Agreed Conclusions 465 (XLVII)
19 Oct 2000

The Trade and Development Board,

  • Emphasizes the positive impact of the increased participation of developing countries’ experts in UNCTAD expert meetings in 1999 as a result of the use of resources allocated by the General Assembly to finance their participation, both on the quality of deliberations and the geographical representation of participants, including participants from LDCs;
  • Affirms the importance it attaches to ensuring ways and means to finance the participation of experts from developing countries and economies in transition in UNCTAD expert meetings on a predictable basis, taking into account the favourable experience up to now;
  • Invites the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to seek urgently the necessary resources to finance the participation of experts from developing countries and economies in transition in UNCTAD expert meetings foreseen for 2001;
  • Urges the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to take all necessary measures to finance the participation of experts from developing countries and economies in transition in UNCTAD expert meetings, including in the context of the preparation of the programme budget for 2002-2003;
  • Notes the importance of and the need to retain the modalities that were agreed upon for the financing of experts participating in UNCTAD expert meetings.
  • 917th plenary meeting
    20 October 2000