Follow-up to the Joint Inspection Unit report and the agreed conclusions of the twenty-sixth special session of the Trade and Development Board on 6 July 2012

Action taken by the Trade and Development Board 2013
Follow-up to the Joint Inspection Unit report and the agreed conclusions of the twenty-sixth special session of the Trade and Development Board on 6 July 2012
Decision 521 (LX)
27 Sep 2013

The Trade and Development Board,

Recalling the decision taken at UNCTAD XIII regarding the Joint Inspection Unit report, as well as reaffirming its decision at its twenty-sixth special session contained in document TD/B(S-XXVI)/L.1, and with a view to strengthening UNCTAD,


(a) To express its appreciation to the secretariat for its efforts to prepare the Progress report on the implementation of the workplan for enhancing the management and administration of UNCTAD, as contained in the document TD/B/60/5;

(b) To request the secretariat to enhance the management and administration of UNCTAD through the implementation of the presented workplan and based on the Trade and Development Board’s deliberations at its sixtieth session under agenda item 12(a);

Expects at its sixty-first session a comprehensive progress report on the implementation, as well as welcomes updates to be given before the session.