Action taken by the Trade and Development Board 2020
Terms of reference of the Working Party
Decision 559 (LXVII)
1198th plenary meeting
28 Sep 2020
Related meeting:
Trade and Development Board, Sixty-seventh session (third segment)
The Trade and Development Board,
Noting that the Working Party was established by the Trade and Development Board in accordance with paragraph 23 of General Assembly resolution 1995 (XIX) and that it is a subsidiary body of the Board in accordance with rule 64 of the rules of procedure of the Board and is therefore subject to these rules, in accordance with paragraph 3 of rule 64, as appropriate,
Acknowledging that the Working Party was established by the Board with the specific task of dealing with the medium-term plan and the programme budget of UNCTAD,
Approves, in accordance with its decision 540 (LXV), the terms of reference of the Working Party on the Programme Plan and Programme Performance.
Agreed Conclusions , Agenda item 3
Agreed Conclusions , Agenda item 4
Agreed Conclusions ,
Agreed Conclusions , Closing plenary
Agreed Conclusions , Closing plenary