Decent work: Challenges and opportunities related to the Maritime Labour Convention of 2006

Decent work: Challenges and opportunities related to the Maritime Labour Convention of 2006
23 May 2024
16:30 - 17:30 hrs. Bougainvillea
, Barbados

Seafarers are essential for the functioning of supply chains with over 80% of the world's international trade transported by sea. Adopted in 2006, the MLC, often called the "seafarers' bill of rights", aims at ensuring decent living and working conditions for seafarers and a level-playing field for shipowners.

The MLC fosters social dialogue between governments, shipowners and seafarers by providing a platform for inclusive discussions and negotiations. When it came into force in 2013, it significantly strengthened the governance of social aspects of the sector by establishing comprehensive standards and a strong enforcement mechanism.

Today, with 105 ratifications, the MLC has become the fourth pilar of the international maritime regime together with key IMO conventions. What are the challenges and opportunities presented by the MLC in the context of supply chains, including during recent crises?





Shingo Miyake, Labour Law and International Labour Standards Specialist, ILO Port of Spain


  • Helio Vicente, Director of Employment Affairs, Inernational Chamber of Shipping
  • Fabrizio Barcellona, Coordinator, Seafarers and Inland Navigation Section, International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF)
  • Gail Ann King, Unicomer, Barbados
  • Max Mejia, President, World Maritime University

The parallel session during the Summit will be co-organized between AP/Supply Chains, SECTOR and ILO CO- Port-of-Spain.

The session is anticipated to last 1 hour.

Shingo Miyake
Labour Law and International Labour Standards Specialist, Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean

Mr Shingo Miyake, a national of Japan, joined the ILO Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean in July 2015, as Labour Law and International Labour Standards Specialist. He assists governments, employers'; and workers'; organizations to improve their labour legislation.

Mr Miyake joined the ILO in 2001 and has been working in the field of international labour standards since then. He has worked as a Legal Officer at ILO Headquarters in Geneva for over 11 years. He also served at the ILO Sub-Regional Office for South-East Asia and the Pacific in Manila, the Philippines, and at the ILO Office in Jakarta, Indonesia.

He holds a Bachelor's degree in International and a Master of Laws degree.

Helio Vicente
Director of Employment Affairs
International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)

Helio Vicente is the Director of Employment Affairs at the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the global trade association for shipowners and operators, representing over 80% of the world merchant fleet.

He serves as Secretary of the ICS Labour Affairs Committee, responsible for global shipping employment policy and other related matters; as well as the ICS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Panel.

Helio is also Secretary to the global Shipowners' Group at the International Labour Organization (ILO).

He previously served as Secretary of the ICS Shipping Policy Committee (SPC) and the ICS Shipping Canals Sub-Committee.

Before joining ICS, Helio worked at the Diplomatic Mission of Angola to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), at the Maritime Organization of West and Central Africa (MOWCA), and at the IMO Sub-Division for Maritime Security and Facilitation.

Fabrizio Barcellona
Coordinator, Seafarers and Inland Navigation Section
International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF)

In 2020 Fabrizio was appointed Seafarers and Inland Navigation Sections Coordinator, this role assists the ITF Affiliates to be represented at an international level in a variety of fora, including the ILO and IMO.

Fabrizio joined the ITF in 1993 as an inspector in Italy and took on the role of coordinator in 1996. He then moved to London to start work in the ITF London office where he has held several positions including head of the 'Actions' unit and Manager of the Maritime Operations team. In 2011, Fabrizio became Assistant Secretary of the ITF Seafarers, Fisheries and Inland Navigation sections.

Following his studies, Fabrizio spent two years in service in the Italian navy working on board coastguard and search & rescue vessels as chief engineer. He then worked as an engineer on board dry cargo, tankers, and cruise vessels in both the public and private sectors.

Maximo Quibranza Mejia
World Maritime University

Professor Maximo Quibranza Mejia is the eighth President of the World Maritime University (WMU), a university established within the framework of the IMO and a global centre of excellence for maritime and ocean education, research, and capacity building.

He is the first President from Asia and the first President who is a graduate of WMU. As the Chief Executive Officer, Professor Mejia oversees and directs the academic programmes, operations, and administration of the University.

With over three decades of professional and academic experience, Professor Mejia is a passionate international advocate for the promotion of safe, secure, sustainable, and efficient shipping on clean oceans.

International Labour Organization (ILO)

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Global Supply Chain Forum secretariat

Mr. Jan Hoffmann 
Head of the Trade Logistics Branch
Division on Technology and Logistics
UNCTAD, Geneva

Ms. Pamela Ugaz
Economic Affairs Officer
Trade Facilitation Section
Division on Technology and Logistics
UNCTAD, Geneva


Bougainvillea Room