Supply chains, the geography of trade and maritime logistics

Supply chains, the geography of trade and maritime logistics
22 May 2024
09:00 - 10:00 hrs. Frangipani
, Barbados

The geography of maritime transport and trade is shifting amid a fast-evolving global operating framework, growing disruptions, increased geopolitical risks, a heightened global environmental sustainability agenda and growing digitalization uptake.

Experts will discuss issues at the interface of maritime transport and trade as the two sectors navigate a changing landscape. Discussions will highlight related potential implications especially for developing countries such as SIDS and LDCs.

The session will identify action-oriented recommendations for how stakeholders and policy makers from transport and trade can better understand the emerging new normal, address the underlying challenges and leverage the associated opportunities. It will conclude with a Q and A.





John Manners-Bell, Chief Executive Officer, Ti Insight and Foundation for Future Supply Chain



  • Jeffrey Condon, Senior Expert, McKinsey Global Institute, McKinsey & Company
  • Helio Vicente, Director of Employment Affairs, International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)
  • Safiya Reid, Officer-in-Charge and Adviser, Directorate for Transport, Trade and Sustainable Development, Association of Caribbean States (ACS)
  • Diane Edwards, Director, Professional Services Unit, Mona School of Business and Management, Jamaica
John Manners-Bell
Founder and CEO
Ti Insight

John Manners-Bell is a highly experienced author, speaker and thought leader with a career spanning research, operations, strategy and marketing within the global supply chain industry.

He is Founder and CEO of consultancy Ti Insight which since 2002 has provided market intelligence to a range of blue chip customers and governmental organisations.

In 2021 he founded the Foundation for Future Supply Chain dedicated to improving the understanding of sustainability, risk, innovation, ethics and public policy in the industry. John was formerly Chair of the Logistics and Supply Chain Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and an Honourable Visiting Professor at London Metropolitan University.

He has authored six books, most recently 'The Death of Globalization', and the award winning 'Supply Chain Risk Management' now in its fourth edition.

Helio Vicente
Director of Employment Affairs
International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)

Helio Vicente is the Director of Employment Affairs at the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the global trade association for shipowners and operators, representing over 80% of the world merchant fleet.

He serves as Secretary of the ICS Labour Affairs Committee, responsible for global shipping employment policy and other related matters; as well as the ICS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Panel.

Helio is also Secretary to the global Shipowners' Group at the International Labour Organization (ILO).

He previously served as Secretary of the ICS Shipping Policy Committee (SPC) and the ICS Shipping Canals Sub-Committee.

Before joining ICS, Helio worked at the Diplomatic Mission of Angola to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), at the Maritime Organization of West and Central Africa (MOWCA), and at the IMO Sub-Division for Maritime Security and Facilitation.

Safiya Reid
Officer-in-Charge, Directorate, Transport, Trade and Sustainable Development
Association of Caribbean States (ACS)

Safiya Reid, a national of Trinidad and Tobago, is currently the Officer-in-Charge of the Directorate for Transport, Trade and Sustainable Development at the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) for the last two (2) years and has simultaneously been its Adviser for the last 3 years.

Possessing a wealth of knowledge and experience in international trade and regional development projects, Safiya is committed to realizing the potential of regional cooperation to advance the sustainable development of the Greater Caribbean.

Over the years, Safiya has done transformative work in several countries including Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

She holds an MBA in International Trade, Logistics and Procurement from the Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business of the University of the West Indies. Being fluent in English, French and Spanish, she has dedicated most of her career to building cross-cultural, collaborative partnerships that sustain regional development.

Diane Edwards
Mona School of Business and Management

Diane M. Edwards, MBA has led the Professional Services Unit, the consulting and executive education arm of the Mona School of Business and Management (MSBM) for one year. Her focus is to grow the consultancy into an internationally recognised partner for business and government by providing world class management consulting, executive education and short courses.

During her tenure, the Unit has introduced 6 new courses, 
announced a partnership with the global market leading Digital Marketing Institute and broadened its consultancy outreach to the Caribbean.

Ms. Edwards joins MSBM from a 9-year career as President of JAMPRO, Jamaica’s investment and export promotion agency, where she and her team led the expansion of the BPO sector from 12,000 to 60,000 employees, attracted investment in 12,000 new hotel rooms and were instrumental in driving the government's Business Environment Reform Agenda.

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Global Supply Chain Forum secretariat

Mr. Jan Hoffmann 
Head of the Trade Logistics Branch
Division on Technology and Logistics
UNCTAD, Geneva

Ms. Pamela Ugaz
Economic Affairs Officer
Trade Facilitation Section
Division on Technology and Logistics
UNCTAD, Geneva


Frangipani Room