Ad hoc expert group meeting on Biofuels: Trade and Development Implications of Present and Emerging Technologies

18 - 19 June 2007
Palais des Nations, Room XXVI, 10:00 - 18:00 hrs

The technologies used so far to produce biofuels are fairly simple but the need to increase biofuel availability to meet growing demand, maximize feedstock use, reduce pressure on land and diminish production costs is triggering a shift towards more sophisticated technologies.

Experts will discuss the risks and opportunities arising from this technological revolution and the likely impacts of the new technology on the competitiveness of developing countries in the biofuels sector.


The meeting may be of particular interest to government officials and representatives of the private sector dealing with the energy, technology, agriculture and trade sectors.

Member States of UNCTAD are requested to nominate experts by: 4 June 2007.

Background document

The Emerging Biofuels Market: Regulatory, Trade and Development Implications

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