Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on Transit ports servicing landlocked developing countries (LLDCs)

10 - 11 December 2009
Room XXI, Palais des Nations

The Ad Hoc expert meeting is called to respond to a request from landlocked and transit developing member States and as planned for in UNCTAD´s Work plan for 2008-2011 for the implementation of the Accra Accord - to analyse issues that affect the trade and transport of developing countries.

The meeting will provide an opportunity for experts and different stakeholders to exchange views on the current challenges and opportunities faced by LLDCs when making use of transit port facilities in coastal neighbouring countries.

In the context of a global economic downturn, the likely impacts of the economic crisis on investments and operations in transit ports will be discussed to ascertain to what extent these have affected - positively or negatively - LLDCs.

The meeting will be organized in two sessions:

  • The first session will present international and national views on recent developments in transit ports.

  • The second session aims at deriving lessons and best practices showing potential to overcoming inefficiencies in transit ports.

Concluding discussions and recommendations are expected to identify major challenges and best practices, with a view to assist UNCTAD to focus its analytical and technical assistance work programme on the most relevant issues for the benefit of all stakeholders in LLDCs and transit countries.

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