Commission on Investment, Technology and Related Financial Issues, ninth session

07 - 11 March 2005

The Commission will consider substantive issues, which the Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development is seized with in the implementation of the São Paulo Consensus of UNCTAD XI and other major UN conferences.

Policy issues related to investment and development (Item 3)

After an introduction by the UNCTAD secretariat, the reports of the expert meetings on "GoodGovernance in Investment Promotion" [GoodGovernance report in PDF] and "The Impact of FDI on Development" [FDI report in PDF] will be presented. A panel discussion on "Emerging FDI from Developing Countries" [Secretariat Note in PDF] will follow. Experts will discuss country experiences from the perspective of developing countries as recipients as well as sources of FDI in order to maximize the development benefits and how an enabling policy framework can be ensured. [Programme of the panel discussion in PDF].

Issues related to investment arrangements (Item 4)

A Policy Dialogue on "Investor-State Disputes and Policy Implications" [Secretariat Note in PDF] will discuss the increase of international investment disputes arising from investment agreements, and the systemic, substantive and developmental issues it raises. It will address the following key questions: How to clarify substantive provisions and procedural rules and how to better address the development and policy implications. [Programme of the Policy Dialogue in PDF].

Investment policy reviews: exchange of national experiences(Item 5)

The Commission will consider the deliberations of the IPRs of Algeria, Ghana and Peru [Secretariat Note in PDF], and will report on the follow-up to the recommendations of the IPR of Egypt. H.E. Dr. Mahmood Moheldin, Minister of Investment of Egypt will report on the IPR of Egypt. Under this item, the Commission will also hold a joint high-level session with the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA), which is holding its tenth annual conference. A high-level panel discussion will be organized on the topic "Attracting FDI in Service Clusters".

International Standards of Accounting and Reporting (Item 6)

The Commission will consider the reports of the two Intergovernmental Groups of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting [ISAR Report in PDF] and on Competition Law and Policy [CLP Report in PDF].

DITE activities in 2004 (Item 7)

The Commission will be briefed on the implementation of recommendations addressed at the 8th session [Progress Report in PDF] and on DITE activities in 2004 [DITE Activities Report in PDF]

Achieving the Millenium Development Goals (Item 9)

In light of the importance attached to the follow-up process to the Millennium Declaration, a panel discussion on "Achieving the Millenium Development Goals" will be held. Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General, via videoconference, will engage in a discussion with panellists, including H. E. Mwesigwa Rukutana, Minister of Finance for State of Uganda, and the Commission. Programme .

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(TD/B/COM.2/INF.9) -  29 Mar 2005
(TD/B/COM.2/L.22) -  13 Mar 2005
(TD/B/COM.2/61) -  19 Jan 2005
(TD/B/COM.2/61) -  19 Jan 2005

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