Commission on Science and Technology for Development, ninth session

14 - 19 May 2006

The Commission on Science and Technology for Development decided at its eighth session, that the substantive theme for the inter-sessional period 2005-2006 would be on “Bridging the Technology Gap between and within Nations”, with specific emphasis on multi-stakeholder partnerships not only to bridge the technology gap, but also to prevent it from growing wider.

To contribute to a further understanding of the issues, and to assist the CSTD in its deliberations at its ninth session, the UNCTAD Secretariat convened a panel meeting in Rabat, Morocco, from 10 to 12 November 2005. The findings and recommendations that have emerged from this panel will be considered by the Commission at its ninth session.

The ninth session will examine the extent of the technology gap between and within nations, draw on policy lessons from countries that have successfully moved up the technological ladder and elaborate policy frameworks for developing countries to build up technological capabilities.

During the Session, a panel will be held to discuss the role of CSTD in the UN system-wide follow-up to the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).

The outcome of the deliberations will be submitted to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

For further information, please contact:

Mr. Mongi Hamdi, Chief,
Science and Technology,
Policies and Capacity-building Branch,
Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development
T.: 41-22-917-5069

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(E/CN.16/2006/4) -  25 Jun 2006
(E/CN.16/2006/INF.1) -  31 May 2006
(E/CN.16/2006/L.1) -  16 May 2006

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