Consultation on Challenges and Opportunities on Oceans Economy, Trade and Sustainable Fisheries for Pacific SIDS

05 August 2015
11:00 - 20:00 hrs. Melanesian Hotel, Thai room
Port Vila
, Vanuatu

​UNCTAD, the Melanesian Spear Head Group (MSG), the Pacific Island Forum Fisheries Agency (PIFFA), the Papua New Guinea National Fisheries Authority, and Vanuatu's Department of Fisheries will be organizing the Consultation on Challenges and Opportunities on Oceans Economy, Trade and Sustainable Fisheries for Pacific SIDS, to be held on 5 August 2015 at the Melanesian Hotel in Port Vila, Vanuatu.

The consultations will gather key government representatives, experts on trade and sustainable fisheries, diplomatic community in Vanuatu as well other relevant stakeholders.
This year marks several milestones, which impact the way we trade fish and manage fisheries in Pacific SIDS. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which may include a standalone goal on oceans and seas, will be adopted in September; the First Global Oceans Assessment will be presented to the UN General Assembly; the FAO’s Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries will celebrate its 20th anniversary; and the WTO Ministerial Conference in December may select to prioritize the conclusion of the current negotiations on fish subsidies disciplines and a sectoral market access deal on fish. All these events can significantly affect Pacific SIDS interests when looking at trade fisheries.
The objective of the consultation is to identify and discuss key issues of interest and concern on trade and sustainable fisheries for Pacific SIDS with a view to informing discussions in UNCTAD’s Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on Sustainable Fisheries (AHEM) to be held from 29 September to 1 October 2015 in Geneva. The AHEM will generate a new trade policy proposals that will be channeled by UNCTAD into upcoming multilateral trade, food security and environmental negotiations later this year.
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21 Jul 2015
The Melanesian Spear Head Group (MSG), the Pacific Island Forum Fisheries Agency (PIFFA), and Vanuatu's Department of Fisheries

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Related Site:

Melanesian Spear Head Group (MSG) ​
Pacific Island Forum Fisheries Agency (PIFFA)
the Papua New Guinea National Fisheries Authority
Vanuatu's Department of Fisheries


Mr. David Vivas Eugui
Mr. Robert Hamwey