04 December 2013
Loy Henderson Conference Center, State Department
Washington, D.C.
, United States of America
The panel will address the following two priority themes:
Theme 1:
Science, technology and innovation for the post-2015 development agenda
- Taking stock: a decade of CSTD contributions to the Millennium Development Goals
- Looking forward: STI prospects for the post-2015 development agenda
Theme 2:
ICTs for inclusive social and economic development
In addition, the panel will address the follow-up to WSIS.
Findings and recommendations of the panel will be considered at the 17th session of the CSTD, to be held in May 2014.
In order to register for the intersessional panel, participants are invited to fill in the online registration form. Please click the following link to register: Registration
Information Note
The Participant Information Note can be accessed under the Documents tab of this web page.

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