Enabling E-commerce: Opening the Door for SMEs

19 April 2018
12:00 - 13:30 hrs. Room XXVI
, Switzerland

Digital platforms are increasingly transforming commercial transactions. E-commerce and e-payments provide new routes to global markets for small businesses, but challenges remain.

Many stakeholders have expressed interest in leveraging e-commerce to deliver inclusive growth. Solutions are not always evident and require a process of discussion and debate. The Enabling E-commerce initiative supports public-private dialogue on e-commerce policy and practices that can benefit small business.

The session will cover the following topics:
- Enabling E-commerce through regional public-private dialogue
- Specific e-commerce and e-payment challenges and priorities

Moderator: Mr Sean Doherty, Head of International Trade and Investment System Initiative, World Economic Forum


Mr Victor do Prado, Director, Council and TNC Division, World Trade Organization (WTO)
Mr Brian Wong, Vice-President, Global Initiatives, Alibaba Group
Ms Kimberley Botwright, Policy Analyst, International Trade & Investment, Global Leadership Fellow, World Economic Forum
Ms Rupa Ganguli, Founder and CEO, Inclusive Trade Ltd
Mr Steven Pope, Vice President, Customs & Regulatory Affairs, Deutsche Post DHL Group
Mr Gerry Mattios, Expert Vice President, Bain & Company
Mr Alastair Tempest, CEO, Ecommerce Forum Africa

World Economic Forum (WEF), World Trade Organization (WTO), Electronic World Trade Platform (eWTP)

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