UNCTAD in partnership with the Global Governance program at the European University Institute (EUI) has developed a research and capacity building program on trade facilitation and rules of origin.
With this, we carrying out applied research and developing tools to understand the extent of differences rules of origin across countries and trade agreements with a view to detecting possible convergence or divergence, enhancing transparency in monitoring the use of trade preferences and applying trade facilitation concepts to rules of origin certification procedures. Activities include applied research, executive round tables as well as advocacy actions to provide policymakers, firms and the civil society with some fora to discuss ground breaking issues and innovative tools on rules of origin and their administration.
Accordingly, UNCTAD in partnership with EUI, is organizing an executive training workshop on rules of origin. The workshop will be held under hybrid modalities in Florence, Italy from 11 to 12 October 2021. The First day of the workshop is reserved to discuss LDC issues related to rules of origin. The second day of the workshop is dedicated to an in-depth discussion of the rules of origin of the two latest mega-regional free trade agreements (FTAs)— the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), as well as the implications for LDCs. Leading regional representatives from Africa and Asia will participate in the sessions.


Mr. Stefano Inama