Expert Group Meeting on Best Practices and Policy Options in the Promotion of SME-TNC Business Linkages

06 - 08 November 2006

The overall objective of the expert meeting is to promote international awareness on policy options and support measures for strengthening the productive capacities of developing countries through business linkages programmes. In particular, the issue of linkages between transnational corporations and small- and medium-sized enterprises will be addressed.

The expert meeting will identify international best practices and policies in the promotion and implementation of business linkages and discuss a checklist of principles to encourage the replication of successful programmes for the benefit of interested governments, TNCs and SME support institutions.

The meeting will contribute to a better understanding of the overall rationale of TNC-SME linkages and suggest the implications for policy formulation and development assistance. Based on successful experiences, it will highlight how governments can introduce business linkages programmes involving the active and voluntary participation of TNCs.

Experts at the meeting are expected to discuss:

  • What policies can support the development of sustainable business linkages?
  • How can we assure consistency between a business linkage promotions policy and other private sector development initiatives?
  • What are the key success factors of successful business linkages programmes?
  • Who are the key players and institutions of a successful linkages promotion programme?
  • Which are the key activities and steps to be undertaken?
  • What are the characteristics of TNCs that are open to business linkage promotion?
  • How should a business linkage initiative be sequenced and how should its implementation be monitored?

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(TD/B/COM.3/EM.28/INF.1) -  22 Nov 2006
(TD/B/COM.3/EM.28/2) -  08 Oct 2006
(TD/B/COM.3/EM.28/1) -  24 Aug 2006
(TD/B/COM.3/EM.28/1) -  24 Aug 2006

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